Sunday, March 6

dreams and lies

Bungalow 8 should change their number to 9. Dante would have wanted them to.

I tried to dance, ended up sleeping in the corner couches instead. Acid and wine doesn't mix well.
Next to me a beautiful girl sat crying, mascara all over her pale skin. Like two rivers finding their way through a desert. When I kissed her she didn't object nor did she really get involved. Passive aggressive. I kissed her again, tasted her salty drops of salvation but she remained indifferent to weither or not I was there.

Later, I crawl down between cold sheets. Naked and alone.

- So I just sit here she asks
- Yes, untill I fall a sleep. There's money on the table.

I slept like a newborn baby.


julianne. said...

youre beautiful.<3

m. said...

love, you.

Anonymous said...

So beautiful.

Christopher said...

I'm in love with that first line.