Sunday, February 6


In postmodern culture, only a picture can testify that we exist, that we matter- Tetzlaff

I realized something valuable today, something I should have known all ready. I realized that Patience is next to Godliness. And I have none.


Loulou said...
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AVY said...

Why should you? I want everything now.

Anonymous said...

Patience is just the ability to force yourself to forget the anxiety waiting causes.

P.S. I would totally give up everything for a week with you, if work didn't require so much from me :(

Heather Taylor said...

Good to see you again Miss lovely Belle.

Rudie Wilderness said...

My god you are so beautiful dear friend. Call me tonight? I need to hear your sweet voice.

Linda Love London said...

godliness is for the weak, much like patience is.
And you, are not weak.

Anthony Stills said...

seriously.. This is bullshit. Are people reading this? seeking advice and guidance from a destructive young girls as yourself?

No wonder the youth of today is going to die without any accomplishments.

Christopher said...

I want more patience right now!

Oh, wait...

PS I wussed out of the challenge! I think it'll have to remain in the realm of fantasy for now. Sorrrrry.