Tuesday, February 16

Speaking of penpales

French whores Miris mother yelled, well nonetheless one of my favorit girls is Chloe and she sent me a letter the day before I fled the dirty streets of London and arrived here in the plastic fantastic world that is LA. Since privacy no longer exist due to blogs, twitter and facebook I've decided to go all the way here. I've proven that before, haven't I? So hear it is, sent with love. ( Darling, I hope you don't mind)

Bonjour chérie!
Un petit message pour le Saint Valentin. Tu me manques, ah les soirs ici à Paris.
Le vin rouge, les cigarettes, les nuits, la musique et nous, toi et moi..
Vous vous souvenez?

Dis Birkin, pourquoi t'as pas grossi en vieillissant t'es toujours aussi belle qu'avant?
C'est que je suis maline.
Dis Birkin, pourquoi tu te mets toujours à pleurer dès que quelqu'un est en danger?
C'est que je suis sensible.
Dis Birkin, pourquoi tu ne t'énerves jamais on dirait que tu fuis la colère?
C'est que je suis fragile.
Dis Birking, c'est quoi ces yeux qui regardent dans le vide on dirait que t'es dans la lune?
C'est parce que je m'ennuie..

Oh I just love that song. With you in the windowsill, I couldn't see anything 'cause there were
smoke all over, nothing but your lovely profile and the parisian night in the background.
And Jane sang for us, sang until we'd emptied my wine cellar and we fell softly into sleep
on the floor. Some nights we had company, some nights it was just us. I miss you love.
Please come and see me soon again. Paris waits for you.
Oh yes, I'd sent you a little something, I guess it will reach when you get back from LA..

Bisous, Chloè

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I absolutely adore your blog :)