Wednesday, October 28

Lucy in the sky with diamonds

It was a long time a go since I saw rainbows and flying horses. Maybe I'll go out with Amanda and her pretentious crew tonight just to see where the rainbows are at. My world is far to grey these days, and colour is exactly what I need.


Anika said...

Ahhh colour is required sustenance, isn't it.

Nothwitstanding, love this picture. It has shades of grey. We like shades right?

Have a lovely one :)

Belle Armed said...

We adore shades :)

Susan said...

I hope you get what you need...

pervigilo said...

What a lovely blog. How old are you?

Belle Armed said...

Thank you Susan, hopfully you will as well.

Pervigilo, I am seventeen, eighteen on friday ( remember to wish me a happy birthday)Thank you, i'm glad you enjoy my blog.